Materials for October 2016 year » RAI




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«    October 2016    »


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On the 27th of October Riga Aeronautical Institute successfully completed the courses for labor protection specialists.
The purpose of the course is to provide knowledge on the main issues of labor protection, to familiarize the trainees with the appropriate regulations, to learn to identify and eliminate the risk factors at the working places, which is necessary in order to perform the professional duties of labor protection at the enterprise.
On behalf of the RAI administration and instructors we congratulate the course participants on the successful completion of training. We also wish them success and look forward to welcome them again in RAI!

Category: News

Riga Aeronautical Institute successfully continues autumn - winter season of the refresher courses.
The aim of the courses is to provide the trainees with a new theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as to inform about the latest developments and trends in the appropriate fields of activity. All refresher courses include linguistic component.
On the 28th of October, RAI finalized the refresher course "Air Traffic Management and Aviation English" and awarded the certificates to the students of the state enterprise "Kazaeronavigatsia".
On behalf of the RAI administration and instructors we congratulate them and wish them a successful and professional career. We always look forward to see them again in RAI!

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Kazakhstan – Latvia - USA
Both the management and students of Riga Aeronautical Institute feel extremely honoured by their new comaradeship with Mr.Robert J.Craig, inducted into the Guinness Book of World Records as the World`s Oldest Active Air Traffic Controller. Mr.Craig has agreed to become an honorary instructor of Riga Aeronautical Institute. RAI students from Kazaeronavigatsiya which are right now studying to become air traffic controllers and undergoing their flight training in Florida have participated in celebration party for Mr.Craig to strengthen our new friendship. We are quite sure that it is one of the events they will remember all their lives.
Once again we would like to wish Mr.Craig professional and personal success and thank him for accepting our partnership.

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Academic personnel training program "Innovations in Higher Education" During the period from the 14th of October till the 20th of December 2016 Riga Aeronautical Institute conducts a refresher training course "Innovations in Higher Education" for RAI lecturers, instructors and other academic personnel.

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