The self-appraisal objective is the analysis of the quality of students’ educative process and its improvement.
By the RAI order there has been founded a self-appraisal task group, which works in compliance with the requirements of By-laws on accreditation and standards of higher education. The head of the group is the 1st Prorector.
The Group Members:the heads of training modules, the heads of subdepartments, of laboratories and representatives of the students’ self-government.
The self-appraisal is conducted annually along the lines as follow:
- Educative process management
- The process quality management
- Content of training modules
- Methodological support. Library
- Quality and activity of the academic staff
- Scientific and methodological and publishing activity
- Educational and material support of students
- Results of students’ polling
- Activity of the students’ self-government in the educative process
- Financial support of the process
- Activity and results of relations with foreign IHL and enterprises.
The task group presents to the RAI Senate the results, conclusions and proposals on self-appraisal.
Study field "Information Technology, Computer Hardware,Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Management, and Computer Science"