| In accordance with the proposal from Riga Aeronautical Institute and the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers Nr.620 dated the 8th of October 2015, Olafs Jānis Brinkmanis is awarded with a Certificate of Merit confirming the life-long contribution in the development of education and science. O. J. Brinkmanis, Ing.Sc.Dr., dedicated 64 years of his life to the development of education. During his long and successful career he performed both teaching and administrative activities. He was a teacher, assistant, senior professor, associate professor in high school and held administrative positions of director, Head of the Chair, dean, vice rector and rector. Last fifteen years O.J. Brinkmanis was successfully performing the duties of the Rector in Riga Aeronautical Institute. Due to working ability, knowledge and longtime experience of O. J. Brinkmanis, he was elected for this position twice. Riga Aeronautical Institute management and team highly values your strength of spirit, intelligence and wisdom of heart. We congradulate you on the award of the Certificate of Merit and we wish you further inexaustible strength and active work in the best interests of Latvia! Maza mana tēvuzeme Divu roku platumā. Mīļa mana tēvuzeme Divu roku siltumā. Dziļa mana tēvuzeme Visa mūža garumā. /K. Skujenieks/ |