RAI congratulates all teaching staff and thanks everybody for the input into society development! We wish talented students, professional development and satisfaction for the work done! |
RAI congratulates all teaching staff and thanks everybody for the input into society development! We wish talented students, professional development and satisfaction for the work done! |
Dear students and lecturers! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! May the new study year be purposeful, full of valuable knowledge and experience, may the accomplishments bring satisfaction! We are pleased to announce that the event dedicated to the Day of Knowledge will take place on September 3, 2024 at 9:30, room 100 B. We invite you to take part in this event! |
Iespēja pieteikties sociālajai stipendijai “Studētgods”
No 1. līdz 20. septembrim Latvijas augstskolu pilna laika klātienes bakalaura un koledžas līmeņa studenti līdz 25 gadu vecumam var pieteikties sociālajai stipendijai “Studētgods”. Pieteikums jāiesniedz elektroniski portālā Latvija.lv pakalpojumā “Studētgods”. Sociālās stipendijas “Studētgods” apmērs ir 175 eiro mēnesī.
Pieteikties sociālajai stipendijai ...
| On June 21st at 14:00, diplomas of higher education were awarded to RAI graduates of study directions - Mechanics, Transport Services, and Electronics, both for bachelor and master programs. Congratulations to our graduates with completion of studies! |
Congratulations to Ilyas Dauletbayev on getting your IR checkride DONE! We wish all your flights to be safe and exciting! |