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The mission of Riga Aeronautical Institute is to prepare highly qualified specialists for modern and quickly developing industries such as, in the first place, civil aviation and transport. The employers in these spheres are the first to introdice new technologies into their everyday operations, which, in its turn, requires appropriate specialists both with academic education and professional competencies and skills. The education and training in RAI is aimed at fulfilling both these requirements. 

RAI today:

Is accredited by the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science;

Offers academic education for aviation and transport specialists in three accredited study directions (Transport services, Mechanics and Electronics);

Offers a wide list of professional training programs for aviation and transport specialists;

Has its own Training Center;

Conducts scientific and research activities;

Is a member of the Erasmus + charter and program.


Defense of Bachelor's and Master's theses

Practice of metalworking and basic practice of maintenance works

Television program „Flight Plan”

ICAO conference. RAI Jubilee - 70 Years

Tour of the Institute