The 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference
Length of paper and language
The number of pages (A4) is restricted to 6 including tables, figures and references. Papers have to be written in English (preferably British spelling). Prior to submission manuscripts have to be checked for correct language. Manuscripts showing serious shortcomings in layout/formatting will not be accepted for publication.
Each contribution starts with the title and author(s). An abstract of maximum 100 words follows, then the list of key words (max. 6). The main text should follow, divided into sections:
- Introduction,
- Materials and Methods,
- Results and Discussion,
- Conclusions,
- Acknowledgements (if needed),
- References.
The paper can be rejected or given back for corrections if structure of the paper is other as demanded.
Page size and font
- Set page size to A4;
- Set all margins to 2,5 cm;
- Use single line spacing and justify the text;
- Use Times New Roman, size 10 pt;
- Do not use page numbering;
- Leave a blank line between sections;
- If you are going to use the common name of plant species, please give the respective Latin name in parentheses at first mentioning, put only Latin biological names in italics;
- Use single (‘…..’) instead of double (“……….”) quotation marks;
- For symbols and international characters, use the ‘Insert/Symbol’ option (for example: temperature °C).
Titles and headings
The title should have a maximum of 15 words. The title should be written in capital letters, bold, size 12 pt, centred. The section headings should be written in lower case letters and not in capitals, size 10 pt, left-align. There will be mainly one level of headings permitted. If you extremely need two levels of heading, the second level heading should be written using Times New Roman, italics, size 10 pt, left-align.
Footnotes should be omitted. Put the information in the text in parentheses.
The names of the author(s) should be written in the format: name, surname etc. (omit titles); in the next line: the name of the institution; and in the succeeding line: e-mail address. You should leave a blank line between the title and the name of the author(s).
Example 1:
Ilze Berzina Latvia University of Agriculture
If there are authors from more than one institution, number them progressively (superscript) and repeat this number next to their address.
Example 2:
Ilze Berzina, Karlis Leja2
1 Latvia University of Agriculture
2 University of Latvia;
For tables, use font ‘Times New Roman’, regular, 10 points. Tables must be numbered; numbers have to be right-aligned above to the title (centred) of the table.
Table 1
This is an example of a table title
- Use font ‘Times New Roman’, regular, 10 points;
- Do not use borders for legend area;
- Do not use borders and shadings in background of the charts (figures) and use black and white version;
- Graphs, drawings etc. should be considered as figures;
- Figures must be numbered; number and title have to be written under the figure and centred;
- Please put figures in portrait and not in landscape layout.
Figure 1. This is an example of a figure title
Use ‘MS Equation’ for writing formulas. Formulas should be numbered (1), (2), (3), etc. and referred to in the text according to their numbers.
Leave one blank line above and below the equation, left align the equation and put the number of the equation flush-right, using a Right Tab on the right margin.
Any acknowledgements should follow the conclusions. If references to grant support are cited, write out complete names of the funding agencies.
Abbreviations, units, numbers and formulas
Only SI units and abbreviations should be used. Abbreviations should be explained when they first appeared in the text. If a non-standard abbreviation is to be used extensively, it should be defined in full. For mineral content in soil, fertilizers, manures, plants and animal products, etc., the elements (i.e. P, K, N, etc.) should be used instead of their oxides (for instance: P2O5). Isotopes should be indicated as 14C, 32P, etc.; ions should be mentioned as H+, Mg2+, etc. For molar concentration, italic M should be used. Write measurement units as scientific notations (use kg ha-1 and not kg/ha), concentration as g kg-1 and not a percentage (%). In numbers, use the ‘full stop’ decimal separator (for instance: 5.75) instead of ‘comma’. Where a number does not refer to the unit of measurement or the number begins a sentence it should be spelled out, except when it exceeds one hundred.
For single reference within the text, use the format ‘author (year)’; for one or more references use ‘(author, year; author, year)’; please, use round brackets only. Use ‘and’, but not ‘&’. If there are more than two authors per reference, reduce to ‘(first author et al., year)’. If several papers by the same first author or by authors with the same surname and published in the same year are cited, the year of publication should be suffixed by the letters a, b, c, etc. All sources quoted in the text should be listed in the list of references at the end of the paper. Do not use reference style ‘[1, 4]’, when references into text are cited according to their number in the References list. For the list of references use ‘Times New Roman’ size 10 pt. References are numbered, listed first alphabetically and then chronologically. Use a hard return after each reference. Do not leave blank lines between references.
If paper is published in other than the English language, translate the title in English and put it in brackets directly after the paper’s title in original language. At the end of reference, please indicate the original publication language in brackets.
Referring to papers published in the Internet, mention author(s), year, paper title and full address indicating the date, when the source is found, at the end.
For journal articles:
1. Author(s) (year) Title. Journal Title (in full), volume number, page-page.
2. Kumar, S., Tiwari, P., Zymbler, M. (2019). Internet of Things is a revolutionary approach for future technology enhancement: A review. Journal of Big Data, 6(1), 111.
For book chapters or contributions:
1. Author(s) (year) Title. In: Editor(s) names (eds) Book title (in full), Publisher, Address, page.
2. Cherney D.J.R. (2000) Characterization of Forages by Chemical Analysis. In: Givens D.J., Owen E., Axford R.F.E. and Omed H.M. (eds) Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition, CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 281-300.
For books:
1. Author(s) (year) Book title, Edition, Publisher, Address, pages.
2. Nigel Foster EU law directions. 8th Edition (2023). Oxford University press, 505 p. ISBN 978-0-19-287140-4
3. Andrew F.Hayes Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis (2022) New York, London: The Guilford press, 732 p. ISBN 978-1-4625-4903-0
For conference proceedings:
1. Author(s) (year) Title. In: Editor(s) names (eds) Proceedings title. Proceedings name, Publisher, Address, page-page.
2. Siregar, D., Nurdiyanto, H., Sriadhi, S., Suita, D., Khair, U., Rahim, R., Napitupulu, D., Fauzi, A., Hasibuan, A., Mesran, M., Siahaan, A.P.U. (2018). Multi-Attribute Decision Making with VIKOR Method for Any Purpose Decision. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1019(1), 1–7, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1019/1/012034.
For materials published on the Internet:
1. Author(s) (year) Title. Accessed. Available:
2. Wolf M. (September 2014). "Shaping Globalization". Accessed 31.01.2025. Available: