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Transport Systems Management

Degree: Professional Master's degree in Transport systems
Study duration: 1.5 - 2 years
Program accreditation term: November 17, 2028
Professional master's study program “Transport systems management”
Course title Code CP Test*
Courses that ensure the acquisition of the latest achievements
1. Modern management systems TSV101 2 E
2. Econometrics TSV102 3 E
3. Information technologies in transport systems TSV103 2 E
4. Latvian language for foreign students TSV104 2 E
5. Transport processes modeling TSV105 2 E
6. Ecology of transport systems TSV106 2 E
7. Global Logistics TSV107 2 E
Total 14  
Research and design work and management courses
8. Innovative economy and marketing TSV201 3 E
9. International project management TSV202 2 E
10. Research methodology TSV203 2 E
11. Quality management system TSV204 2 E
12. Commercial activity in transport systems TSV205 3 E
13. Human factor and risk management in transport systems TSV206 3 E
14. Transport system technologies TSV207 3 E
15. Innovation management TSV208 2 E
Total 20  
16. Practice TSV301 6 T
17. Master's Thesis TSV302 20  
STotal 60  
* - Symbols used in the tables: E – examination;
T – test