"Engineering, digitization and innovative technologies in logistics systems’ management"
16th of January, 2024 (Mežkalna 9, Riga)
In scope of scientific and practical conference organized by RAI the students will present the results of their scientific research in the field of international transport services – challenges and trends in the spheres of aircraft technical maintenance management, logistics organization and planning, including safety issues of different types of transport technologies and innovations in engineering sciences.
Purpose of the conference:
To convene a discussion on the application of innovative and prospective management methods for aircraft technical maintenance, engineering equipment as well as research in logistics and international transport.
Conference topics:
1. Digitalization in science, education and industry: flexible neural networks, generated artificial intelligence, RISC-V and cloud technologies.
2. Trends and innovations in the transport industry: automation, elastic logistics, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, digital twins, Blockchain, on-demand warehouse, autonomous transport.
3. Innovative activities of a transport company in logistics.
4. Problems of strategic management and ways to solve them in the transport industry.
5. Ways to increase the competitiveness of a transport company
6. Prospects for the development of logistics
7. Global system of transport logistics in international business
8. Modelling of transport flows.
9. Systems for managing transport processes.
10. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of organizations in modern conditions of a transport enterprise.
11. Innovations in the field of green technologies: green architecture, new energy generators, EVs, energy storage devices, hydrogen.
12. Design and reliability of aircraft.
13. Flight safety and the human factor in aviation.
14. Aircraft technical maintenance.
15. Aircraft manufacturing and advanced materials.
16. Trends in the development of aircraft designs.
17. Analysis of the prospects for the use of hydrogen engines.
18. Trends in the development of innovative technologies for air traffic management.
19. Direct combustion of hydrogen in aircraft engines
20. Multi-MW fuel cell propulsion system for hydrogen-powered aircraft
21. Integration of aircraft architecture and technology into aircraft concepts ranging from long-haul to medium and short-haul operations.
Conference sections:
The 1st section. Transport. Logistics. (section leader M. Romele, I. Petuhov).
The 2nd section. Mechanics. Electronics (section leader V. Reiskarts, K. Nechval).
Working languages of the conference: Latvian, English.
Chairman of the organizing committee of the conference:
Dr. V. Reiskarts.
Members of the Conference Organizing Committee:
Dr. V. Reiskarts,
I. Geža
Members of the scientific committee: ing. A. Melnis
Dr. D. Ulanovs
Dr. V. Reiskarts
Dr. sc. ing. K. Nechval
Dr. sc. ing. I. Petuhov
Publications of 2-3 pages in Latvian or English, drawn up in accordance with the requirements and in electronic form, are submitted by the 14th of January 2024, by uploading to a folder in PDF format (submission of the publication).
Аnd also sending to in Word format.
Requirements for the design of publications
Structure of publications:
• name, surname of the author and co-author (12pt, Bold), for example: Jānis Bērziņš, Pēteris Kalniņš (scientific adviser)
• institution represented (12 pt, Normal)
• title of the publication (14 pt, Bold, All Caps)
• annotation of up to 200 characters in the language of publication and in English (12 pt, Italic)
• publication text: introduction, purpose, methods and materials, results, conclusions (12 pt, Normal)
• list of literature (10 pt, Normal)
Layout requirements: volume of publications is up to 3 pages. The publication is printed in A4 format in one column, the distance from the top, bottom and side edges is 2.5 cm, Word text editor, Times New Roman letters, letter size 12 pt, line spacing 1. Each paragraph begins with an indentation of 1.5 cm. Pages, tables, figures are numbered (in Arabic numerals). Links to the source in the publication are required. In this case, the number of the source in the given list and pages in the source referred to by the author of the publication are indicated in square brackets, for example, [1; p.15].
Sources in the list of references are numbered in the order of their inclusion in the text of the publication. Literature sources are formatted in the specified order (see sample), indicating the page or pages that the author used in the publication. If the author did not use a specific quote, indicate the total number of source pages. The list of references indicates only those sources to which the author refers in the publication.
1. Dimmock C., Walker A. (2000) Developing Comparative and International Educational Leadership and Management А cross - Cultural Model. School Leadership and Management (20), p. 143-160
2. Encyclopaedia of Educational Technology (1998) Helms S., Schneider r., (Eds) Berlin: De Gryter, 800 p.
3. Mūžizglītības politikas pamatnostādnes 2007./2013. gadam. (2007) [tiešsaiste] Ministru kabineta 2007. gada 23. februāra rīkojums Nr. 111. [skatīts 12.12.2013.] Pieejams:
10:55 | Registration | |||||
11:00-14:00 | Working in parallel sections | |||||
14:00-14:20 | Break | |||||
14:20-17:00 | Working in parallel sections |