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On June 12, the management of the Riga Aeronautical Institute held negotiations with representatives of Navoi Innovation University. Since at the moment the civil aviation industry in the Republic of Uzbekistan is actively developing, the state needs pilots, mechanics, air traffic controllers and other aviation specialists. The RAI team spoke in detail about our training programs for aviation specialists in various fields and shared the experience accumulated in this area. The parties decided to continue contacts and develop cooperation in training both the aviation and logistics specialists.
The Navoi Innovation University team was led by PhD, rector ...

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On the 11th of July this year, representatives of the Academy of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kairat Koshekov, Vice-Rector for Research and Daulet Tureakhmetov, Director of the Flight Training Center visited Riga Aeronautical Institute. On behalf of RAI, the guests were received by the Senior Vice-President, Mikhail Karol, and the Director for External Relations, Asnata Venckava.
During the visit, the parties discussed issues of current cooperation and possible future prospects, including the joint development and implementation of projects in the field of civil aviation, as well as other important issues ...

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On the 30th of June, Riga Aeronautical Institute had conducted the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Transport. Education. Logistics and Engineering 2023".
The plenary session of the conference was opened by Vice-Rector of Studies, K. Savenkovs, wishing all participants a productive and successful day of the conference. Other participants of the Presidium of the conference also spoke to the participants of the conference.
The conference was attended by participants from Latvia, Poland, Spain, Greece, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan ...

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On June 22 at 13:00, diplomas of higher education will be awarded to RIA graduates of the study directions Mechanics, Transport Services, and Electronics, both for bachelor and master programs. Relatives and friends of our graduates are also invited to the award of diplomas.
We will be glad to see RIA staff and students at this event!

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From 15 till 26 of May at the RAI training center (metalworking workshop) under the guidance of an METALWORKING specialist Mr. Marks Menkovskis the training practice “Metalworking practice”, in frame of study programs “Aircraft Technical Maintenance”, “Air Transport Systems Management and Operation”, "Electronic equipment maintenance"for 1 year students of RAI from Latvia, India, Pakistan, Ukraine have been convened. The main objective of practice was to provide students with basic skills in metalworking and skills in using special tools independently preparing working drawings and, according to the assigned quality level, to produce the drawn part ...

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From 15 till 26 of May at the RAI training center under the guidance of an ATM specialist Mr. Donijor Salidjanov “Maintenance work basic practice part 1” in frame of Study program “Aircraft technical maintenance” for 2, 3 years’ students have been convened. The aim of practice was to provide an understanding of aircraft technical maintenance process, to ensure skills and competences in ATM and its stages on practict ...

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Congratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Latvia!

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Today, April 28 the Assistant of RAI study direction "Mechanics", Mg.sc.ing. Mukhiddinovs Muhammadjons conducted the open lecture for RAI students, academic staff and administration. The lecture topic was "Aircraft Flight Operation: Onboard technical maintenance systems".
The outcome was positively evaluated by the participants and the administration present. present ...

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On April 21, an important event took place at the Riga Aeronautical institute (RAI) - methodical study meeting.
The meeting was opened by Vice-Rector Konstantin Savenkov, who spoke about the fulfilment of the tasks set in September 2022.
Program Director Vladimir Reiskarts spoke about the role of teachers in the work of the RAI Scientific Research Center and the Erasmus+ program ...

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Riga Aeronautical Institute was visited within the framework of the "Erasmus+" program by the representative of Kaunas University of Technology, professor of physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Rimantas Knizikevičius.
On the first day of the visit, a meeting was held with the management of RAI, during which the development of the educational process and scientific research activities were discussed.
On the second day, an open seminar was held with RAI teaching staff on scientific research work, exchange of experience and discussion on the implementation of advanced methods in the teaching process.
On the third day, RAI students were given an open laboratory work lesson in physics ...

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