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On the 18th of January, 2022, Riga Aeronautical Institute convened the 26th STUDENT SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE “Aviation Engineering. Transport logistics and management”.

During the student scientific and practical conference, students acquainted the conference participants with the results of research in the sphere of electronic equipment maintenance and international transport organization, and also in aviation and air traffic control spheres.

We wish our students success in their future work and defending of their graduation theses!

Category: News

Professional Bachelor study program "Air Transport Systems Management and Operation"
Degree: Professional bachelor's degree in air transport system management and operation
Aircraft Technical Maintenance Engineer
Training duration: 4 - 4,5 years

Training price
Knowledge and skills: The student receives knowledge and acquires practical skills in the air transport systems management, prevention of emergency situations and obtains PPL, CPL, ATPL (frozen) licenses which allow him to work as an airline pilot ...

Professional Bachelor study program "Aircraft Technical Maintenance"
Degree: Professional bachelor's degree in aviation
Aircraft Technical Maintenance Engineer
Training duration: 4 - 4,5 years
Training price
Knowledge and skills: The student receives knowledge and acquires practical skills in the following spheres: aircraft design and structure, detection and deletion of generic failures, operation and maintenance of aviation equipment, use of technical and operational documents, role of engineer in the structure of airline ...

Professional master's study program "Transport systems management"
Degree: Professional master's degree in transport systems
Training duration: 1,5 - 2 years

Training price
Knowledge and skills: the Master’s Degree program is developed for the graduates of the engineering faculty in order to obtain scientific research skills in the sphere of transport systems mana
gement ...


The winter exam session continues!

This week, Riga Aeronautical Institute has conducted the test for students in Module 2 Physics in accordance with EASA Part-66 Modules Cat. B1.

We wish good luck in obtaining the new knowledge and skills to all our students!

Category: News


Congratulations to our student, Azimjon Kozim Ugli Sobirov on completing his Private Pilot’s License in Pelican Flight Training School, Florida!

We wish all your flights to be safe and exciting, and we wish you professional growth!

We’re glad that your dreams are coming true, together with RAI & Pelican!

Category: News

The winter exam session has started!

We wish to all RAI students persistence during session, successful examinations and high marks!

To all RAI lecturers we wish patience and professional satisfaction in work!

Category: To students / News

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022!

May this wonderful time of Christmas and New Year fill your life with happiness and wealth!

Best wishes from Riga Aeronautical institute!

Category: News


Riga Aeronautical Institute has conducted a new accreditation phase and received the accreditation for the study direction "Electronics" for a maximum term of six years.
The accreditation has been received for the professional bachelor study program "Electronic equipment maintenance" in the frame of the study direction "Electronics".
This program allows obtaining a qualification of an electronics engineer with 2 specializations:
•The first specialization is called Electronic equipment maintenance;
•The second specialization is called Airport electronic equipment maintenance.
Positive accreditation decision about the study direction for six years is taken if there are no significant deficiencies regarding the quality and implementation of the study programs, and if there are no unsatisfactory assessments.
Accreditation term of study programs is till the 28th of October, 2027.
Riga Aeronautical Institute graduates get and will continue to get appropriate diplomas confirming the acquired professional higher education.

Category: News


An interview with our student Mikhail Baraulya.

Let your dreams are coming true, together with RAI.

We wish all your flights to be safe and exciting!

Category: News