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BLB 0026
General terms

1. The Library of Riga Aeronautical Institute (RAI) is an educational and information institution that provides library and informative services for the students, lecturers and other staff of RAI.
2. The Regulations determine the procedures for the use of the Library of RAI, the rights and obligations of its users.
3. The Regulations have been designed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Latvia, other current laws and regulations.
4. The Library has a duty to familiarize its users with the Library Terms of Use by placing them in a place visible for the Library users.

Procedures for using the Library

5. RAI students, RAI lecturers and general staff can become users of the Library.
6. Upon registration, a valid student card must be presented, for the other staff - a personal identification document (data to be provided: personal identity code, telephone number, e-mail, address). In the library, the user should get acquainted with the terms of use of the Library and their signatures must confirm compliance with these rules.
7. When changing the last name, place of residence, the user must notify the Library at the time of the current visit.

Library users' rights

8. To receive information about the Library inventory and information systems, user care, and services.
9. To use the Library inventory and information systems according to the fixed rules.
10. To use available computers, the Internet, and other available electronic information resources. Appendix 1
11. To use payable services available at the library in accordance with the fixed payable services of RAI. Appendix 2
12. The user has the right to the integrity of personal data. Without the consent of the user, the data of the Library user must not be transferred or disclosed to a third party, except for the cases determined by law.
13. Library users have the right to submit proposals, feedback or complaints to improve the work of the Library.

Library users' responsibilities

14. To observe RAI Library regulations of use, security, job safety, electrical safety, fire safety.
15. To take care of the Library of RAI inventory, equipment, facilities.
16. To observe cultural norms, silence, not to eat or drink, not to attend the Library wearing outdoor clothes.
17. The user must submit the borrowed printed materials to the Library by the end of the academic year (by June, 20). Upon graduation from RAI or termination of employment, the user must submit to the Library all the printed materials and other materials receiving the signature on the exit checklist.
18. Compensate for the lost printed materials. 

Procedures and Responsibilities of Issuing Printing and Other Materials

19. Printed materials are allowed to be taken home only to those users who are registered with the Library in accordance with the procedure determined by these Regulations.
20. Deadlines for the use of printed materials at home are as follows:
          RAI issued study literature – 1 semester;
          printed materials issued by other publishing houses -1 month.
21. The last copy of the printed materials, printed materials of the reference fund are not allowed to be taken home.
22. If there are no other requests for printed materials, it can be extended, if necessary, by phone or via e-mail at

23. If the user has not submitted the printed material within the specified time, the librarian sends a reminder via e-mail or by telephone. Penalty charges are applied for each overdue day of return. For each overdue day of return 0,07 € is applied as a penalty charge for each book.
24. In case of loss or damage to the printed material, its price must be reimbursed threefold.
25. Failure to comply with the Terms and Conditions for using the Library may temporarily deprive the user of Library services outside the reading room.

Appendix 1

  Procedures for the use of computer hardware, the Internet, and available electronic information resources
of the Library of RAI BLB 0026 

1. These Terms and Conditions determine the procedures according to which the Library users use computers, the Internet, and the available electronic information resources in the Library of RAI.
2. The user of the Library computer must strictly observe the rules of security, job safety, electrical safety and fire safety when working.
3. The Library computers are allowed to be used by registered users acquiring a user account status from an IT specialist of RAI for the following purposes:
3.1. Use of electronic catalog;
3.2. Use of databases;
3.3. Obtaining electronic study and information materials;
3.4. Preparation of the required documents for the study process.
4. If a computer or software is damaged, it is necessary to stop work and inform an employee of the Library immediately.
5. The use of the Internet must respect the generally accepted ethical principles - it is forbidden to visit Internet sites that are not acceptable for public viewing. It is forbidden to play computer games, watch movies.
6. At the end of the work, the user must close all the programs used and put the workplace in order.
7. In case of uncertainty, the user should contact the Library employee.

Appendix 2

Payable services 

Type of service
Price, €
Copying of printed materials and other documents
A4 format page
A4 format page
Category: Library / Правила

Dear Students!

This guide will be an assistant to you - the students, who live outside the European Union and plan to study in Latvia or have already arrived and need answers to the questions regarding studies and living in Latvia. Alongside the resources in English and Russian language, this guide includes also those in Latvian (for example, links to the news portals), because many foreign students whom we met here in Latvia expressed a wish to learn Latvian.
The current guide was prepared with assistance and support of foreign students who already study in Latvia, theuniversity staff, stateinstitutions and representatives ofnon-governmental institutions. The preparation of this guide was supported by the European Union and the Republic of Latvia within two projects “Compass for Living in Latvia for Students – Third-country Nationals” and “Compass for Living in Latvia for Students - Third-country Nationals: Education and Integration”, and it was implemented by ourselves - the Association Workshop of Solutions.

View the publication
Category: To students / News

We congradulate our student, Valery Dziemidov, with successful completion of initial ATC training course.
On the 10th of June 2019 Valery was awarded two certificates confirming the completion of Basic ATC Training Course and Rating ATC Training Course (Approach Control Surveillance Rating with Terminal Control Endorsement).
Administration and instructors wish to our graduate successful career in the sphere of civil aviation and high level of flight safety!

Category: News

On the 8th of June, 2019 Riga Aeronautical Institute organizes RAI information day. The meeting will take place at 11.00, auditory 003. The visitors will have a possibility to ask questions about enrollment and study opportunities. They will also have a possibility to see the RAI premises.
More information: +371 29 571 158

Questions could be asked at RAI official Facebook page .

Category: To Applicants / New

On the 18th of May Riga Aeronautical Institute convened organisational and methodical meeting of Latgale branch. The agenda of the meeting included meeting with employers, test and exam session and open door day for the candidates planning to enroll.
Our graduate Ilya Nivskiy ("Novikontas" College), captain and maritime safety instructor, presented a report "Requirements of transportation companies regarding knowledge and qualification of the graduates". In his report he pointed out key features necessary for future specialists, namely, proactive thinking, human factor importance, CEO ethics. It was also noted that higher education is developing constructive and systematic thinking of the future specialist which he will need in his everyday work ...

Category: News

On the 18th of May, 2019 Riga Aeronautical Institute organizes RAI information day. The meeting will take place at 11.00, auditory 003. The visitors will have a possibility to ask questions about enrollment and study opportunities. They will also have a possibility to see the RAI premises.
More information: +371 29 571 158

Questions could be asked at RAI official Facebook page .

Category: To Applicants / New

On the 7th of May we have convened the final training session of the course "Profession of today". During the course participants noted the possibilities of RAI studios, also visited the airport "Riga". Upon the completion of the course each of the participants received a certificate which gives the advantages for the enrollment in RAI.

Category: News

On the 6th of April, 2019 Riga Aeronautical Institute organizes RAI information day. The meeting will take place at 11.00, auditory 003. The visitors will have a possibility to ask questions about enrollment and study opportunities. They will also have a possibility to see the RAI premises.
More information: +371 29 571 158

Questions could be asked at RAI official Facebook page .

Category: To Applicants / New


On the 22th of March the graduates of the programs:
were awarded their diplomas in the RAI conference hall. We sincerely congratulate our bachelors with completion of their studies and wish them success in their careers!

View, download photos.

Category: News

In the period from February 18 to February 21, Azat Bekturov, General Director of the “Kazaeronavigation” visited the flight school “Pelican Flight Training”. During the visit, Azat Bekturov had the opportunity to familiarize himself in detail with the students' flight practice procedures, the newest training equipment and other important elements of the training process. Representatives of the school demonstrated the aircraft and helicopter fleet as well as hangars used for the preparation and training of aviation specialists. RAI expresses its appreciation and gratitude to the RSE "Kazaeronavigatsiya" for visiting our branch.

Category: News