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Today, on the 6th of September, the opening of the new 2022/2023 academic year took place in a solemn atmosphere. At the opening ceremony, a solemn speech was made by Rector Anatoly Melnis, Vice-President Marina Romele, Vice-Rector Konstantin Savenkov and Director of Mechanics Programs Vladimir Reiskart.
The students were also congratulated by RAI Master's graduate Dixon Dijo.
During the ceremony, the best senior students of the Riga Institute of Aeronautical Navigation were awarded certificates of honor and gifts ...

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An interview with our student Mikhail Baraulya about his experience in Pelican Flight Training School.
We’re glad that your dreams are coming true, together with RAI & Pelican!

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We sincerely congratulate our students and lecturers on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the new academic year 2022/2023!
We wish successful study and work, high achievements and prosperity

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An interview with RAI Master’s degree graduate Farkhod Giyasov.
Let your dreams are coming true, together with RAI.

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Our student Gleb Simonenko has made the first steps towards his pilot license.
We congratulate Gleb with his first flight! We wish all your flights to be safe and exciting!

We’re glad that your dreams are coming true, together with RAI & Pelican!

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We congratulate our student, Mikhail Baraulya with completion of the Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) course in Pelican Flight Training School, Florida!
We wish luck and successful future career!

We’re glad that your dreams are coming true, together with RAI & Pelican!

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Congratulations to our student, Azimjon Kozim Ugli Sobirov on completing his Comerial Pilot’s License (CPL SEL) in Pelican Flight Training School, Florida!
We wish professional growth and new victories!

We’re glad that your dreams are coming true, together with RAI & Pelican!

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Dear staff, lecturers, students and graduates!

Today, on the 15th of July, 2022, Riga Aeronautical Institute celebrates its 80th birthday. In celebration of RAI 80th Anniversary, we would like to express our gratitude to all teaching and supporting staff and wish continued success in the years to come. May RAI have a prosperous and long academic life! Warmest congratulations on the 80th Anniversary of RAI!

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Today, on the 30th of June Riga Aeronautical institute Docents, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Dmitrijs Ulanovs participated in V International Economic Forum "THE CRISIS AS AN INCENTIVE FOR CHANGE: HUMAN BEING. NATURE. ENTREPRENEURSHIP" with the scientific report INSTITUTIONAL FACTOR IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY.
The aim of the V Economic Forum is to analyse the crisis, which Latvia and the entire Europe faced during the globalization of the 21st century as an opportunity for qualitative changes in humans, nature and entrepreneurship, as well as discuss possible science-based and practical solutions in order to reach a higher level of welfare in our countries.

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Today, on the 22nd of June the graduation ceremony for Riga Aeronautical Institute graduates is convened. Congratulations to our graduates with completion of studies! We wish good luck, new achievments and successful future careers to all RAI graduates!
We are always happy to see our graduates in RAI!

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