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On June 21st at 14:00, diplomas of higher education were awarded to RAI graduates of study directions - Mechanics, Transport Services, and Electronics, both for bachelor and master programs.

Congratulations to our graduates with completion of studies!
We wish good luck, new achievements and successful future careers to all RAI graduates!
We are always happy to see our graduates in RAI!

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Category: News

Congratulations to Ilyas Dauletbayev on getting your IR checkride DONE!

We wish all your flights to be safe and exciting!

Category: News


No 13. līdz 24. maijam RAI mācību centrā tika realizētas 2 prakses.

Metālapstrādes darbu praksi studiju programmu "Gaisa kuģu tehniskā apkope" un 'Gaisa transportsistēmu vadība un ekspluatācija" ietvaros novadīja metālapstrādes speciālists. Prakses galvenais mērķis- nostiprināt RAI studiju procesa praktisko sastāvdaļu, sniegt studentiem pamatiemaņas metālapstrādē un prasmes lietot speciālos instrumentus, patstāvīgi sagatavojot darba rasējumus un atbilstoši noteiktajam kvalitātes līmenim izgatavot rasēto detaļu.

Savukārt apkopes darbu pamatprakses 1.daļu (Helikoptera praksi ...

Category: News


On the 10th of May, 2024, Riga Aeronautical Institute convened the 31th student scientific and practical conference "ENGINEERING, DIGITIZATION AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN LOGISTICS SYSTEMS’ MANAGEMENT".
During the student scientific and practical conference, students acquainted the conference participants with the results of research in the sphere of equipment maintenance, international transport organization, and also in aviation and air traffic control spheres.
We wish our students success in their future work and defending of their graduation theses! ...

Category: News


Congratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Latvia!

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On May 2, secondary school pupils were awarded RAI certificates for completing the "Up-to-date Profession" course.
Participants broadened their vision, received the knowledge necessary to choose a profession and enter a higher education institution.
The received certificate provides an advantage for enrollment as RAI students and contributes to successful training in the chosen specialty.

Congratulations to the course participants on the successful completion of the course!

Category: News


On the 28th of March the graduation ceremony for Riga Aeronautical Institute graduates is convened. Congratulations to our graduates with completion of studies!
We wish good luck, new achievments and successful future careers to all RAI graduates!

We are always happy to see our graduates in RAI!

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Category: News

Happy and sunny Easter!

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We invite you to participate in the graduation ceremony on 28th of March, 2024.

The graduation ceremony will take place in the RAI conference hall (100B).

The event starts at 13:00 AM.

We invite to the graduation ceremony graduates and guests, academic staff, employee and students!

Category: News


On March 8, 2024, representatives of J&C Aero, Lithuania, visited the Riga Aeronautical Institute.
J&C Aero is an international aviation innovation center in cabin transformation, component manufacturing, aircraft maintenance and airworthiness maintenance. J&C Aero has various EASA-Part 21J, Part 21G, Part 145 and CAMO certifications, supplemented by numerous STC and other documents.
The representatives got acquainted with the material and technical base of the Riga Aeronautical Institute and exchanged experience with the management of the institute. The parties agreed to cooperate in the field of practice for aviation mechanics under the professional bachelor's program "Aircraft Maintenance", as well as specialized courses within the framework of PART-66, PART-147, PART-145.
Such contacts are extremely useful for exchanging experiences, developing cooperation in the practical field and expanding international cooperation.

Category: News