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«    October 2024    »


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October 2024 (6)
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Congratulations Nik Kokotin to becoming an Instruments Rated Pilot
We wish all your flights to be safe and exciting!

Category: News

RAI congratulates all teaching staff and thanks everybody for the input into society development!

We wish talented students, professional development and satisfaction for the work done!

Category: News


On October 3, 2024, representatives of the Riga Aeronautical Institute I. Arandas and V. Reiskarts took part in the Riga Aviation Forum (RAF 2024). The Forum is a high-level business conference that addresses the opportunities and challenges of aviation. The forum brought together European and Baltic aviation enthusiasts, leaders, experts and scientists from various fields of aviation, focusing on innovation and efficiency on the way to sustainable and climate-neutral aviation. The focus of the conference was also the future innovations of aviation, multimodality, the creation of a new urban environment around air traffic hubs and the challenges of urban mobility.

Category: News


On the 27th of September this year, Riga Aeronautical Institute was visited by the representative of the Academy of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhakupov Kairat, vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. On behalf of RAI, the guests were received by the Vice-President, M. Romele, rector A. Melnis, Development Director I. Arandas, study prorector, K. Savenkovs, Director of ingeneering programm, V. Reiskarts, and the Director for External Relations, A.Venckava.
During the visit, the parties discussed issues of current cooperation and possible future prospects, including the joint development and implementation of projects in the field of civil aviation, as well as other important issues

Category: News


The administrative and methodological meeting is an important annual event with participation of all stuff of the institute, lecturers and members of the student government, which contributes to the development and improvement of the further successful work of RAI in the education, academic and scientific spheres.
On the 6th of September Riga Aeronautical Institute (RAI) convened an annual administrative and methodological meeting for management, teaching staff, administration and members of the student government. An annual administrative and methodological meeting was opened by External Relations Director, A. Venckava.
RAI rector A. Melnis presented the results of accreditation and spok
e about ...

Category: News


On September the 3d 2024, Riga Aeronautical Institute convened the opening ceremony for the new academic year. The ceremony was attended by RAI academic staff and students, including the 1st year students. The ceremony was opened by the Vice-Rector of Studies, Konstantīns Savenkovs. Chairman of the Convent Marina Romele, Rector Anatolijs Melnis, Development Director Ibrahims Arandas and director of engineering studies Vladimir Reiskarts, who greeted the students with the start of the new academic year.

During the ceremony the students which demonstrated ...

Category: News


Dear students and lecturers!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!

May the new study year be purposeful, full of valuable knowledge and experience, may the accomplishments bring satisfaction!

We are pleased to announce that the event dedicated to the Day of Knowledge will take place on September 3, 2024 at 9:30, room 100 B.

We invite you to take part in this event!

Category: News

Iespēja pieteikties sociālajai stipendijai “Studētgods”

No 1. līdz 20. septembrim Latvijas augstskolu pilna laika klātienes bakalaura un koledžas līmeņa studenti līdz 25 gadu vecumam var pieteikties sociālajai stipendijai “Studētgods”. Pieteikums jāiesniedz elektroniski portālā pakalpojumā “Studētgods”. Sociālās stipendijas “Studētgods” apmērs ir 175 eiro mēnesī.

Pieteikties sociālajai stipendijai ...

Category: News


On June 21st at 14:00, diplomas of higher education were awarded to RAI graduates of study directions - Mechanics, Transport Services, and Electronics, both for bachelor and master programs.

Congratulations to our graduates with completion of studies!
We wish good luck, new achievements and successful future careers to all RAI graduates!
We are always happy to see our graduates in RAI!

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Category: News

Congratulations to Ilyas Dauletbayev on getting your IR checkride DONE!

We wish all your flights to be safe and exciting!

Category: News